
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Merkel Eschews ‘Uncontrolled Greek Insolvency’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Greece is taking the right steps to get its next bailout payment, warning against allowing a Greek default because of the risk of contagion for other euro-area countries.
Merkel, in a German radio interview to be broadcast today, said that an “uncontrolled insolvency” would further roil markets spooked by the prospect of a Greek default. The euro region currently has no system for “orderly” insolvency until the permanent rescue fund is established in 2013, she said.

“The top priority is to avoid an uncontrolled insolvency, because that wouldn’t just hit Greece and the danger that it hits everyone, or at least a number of other countries, is very big,” Merkel told Berlin-based broadcaster Inforadio. “I have made my position very clear: that everything must be done to keep the euro area together politically, because we would very quickly face a domino effect.”
Merkel’s comments are a rebuff to calls by members of her ruling coalition to consider allowing Greece’s insolvency and exit from the currency union as it struggles to satisfy the terms of its aid package. They also belie plans by her government to support German banks in the event that Greece does go into default. Merkel said her goal is to keep the euro area together, according to an e-mailed transcript.
“Everybody should weigh their words very carefully,” she said. “What we don’t need is unrest in the financial markets. The uncertainties are big enough as it is.”
Greece’s bonds rose, reversing declines that pushed the 10- year yield to 25 percent for the first time today. The nation’s 10-year bond yield fell 22 basis points, or 0.22 percentage point, to 23.33 percent as of 8:17 a.m. in London, after earlier climbing to a euro-era record of 25 percent.
No ‘Taboos’
Philipp Roesler, the vice chancellor and economy minister who heads Merkel’s Free Democratic coalition partner, said in an op-ed published in Die Welt newspaper yesterday that there can be no “taboos” when considering action “to stabilize the euro in the short term,” including a Greek insolvency.
Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a member like Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union, denied that Roesler was calling for Greece to be allowed to go into default.
“He didn’t put the plan on the table, he said you can’t rule anything out,” Schaeuble said in an interview with ZDF television late yesterday. “Considering every possible variation, you never rule out everything,” he said. “A government has to consider what should happen in case of a catastrophe.”
Athens Mission
German coalition officials stepped up their criticism of Greece last week after a delegation from the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund suspended a report on progress made in Athens in meeting the terms of its rescue program. The delay threatened to derail the next payment to Greece due next month.
Merkel offered her backing for Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s government, saying that a team of officials from the three institutions is returning to Athens this week, which “suggests that Greece has taken care of a few things” to meet the bailout conditions.
“Everything I hear out of Greece is that the Greek government has hopefully seen the writing on the wall and is now doing the things that are on the agenda,” she told Inforadio.
To contact the reporters on this story: Tony Czuczka in Berlin at aczuczka@bloomberg.net; Mariajose Vera at mvera1@bloomberg.net
To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at jhertling@bloomberg.

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