
Monday, March 25, 2013

Some facts about Cyprus crisis.


From the press.
  • Total deposits in banks in Cyprus ~ 68 bn Euros
  • Laiki + Cyprus Banks ~34 bn Euros of deposits
  • 38 bn Euros are in deposits more than 100.000 Euros
  • Laiki owes ~9 bn to the Eurosystem (ECB)
  • Laiki Bank has ~ 4.2 bn Euros in deposits>100.000 Euros
  • Laiki is being shut down and the ~4.2 bn will be placed in a bad bank, which will be restructured
  • Deposits  less than 100.000 Euros from Laiki are being transferred to Bank of Cyprus
  • Deposits more than 100.000 Euros in the Bank of Cyprus will be frozen and will suffer losses in the restructuring of the bank
  • Deposits less than 100.000 Euros are guaranteed

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