
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Moody's: Greece exit from euro zone unlikely, less risk of contagion than in 2012

ATHENS Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:54am EST

Jan 14 (Reuters) - The likelihood of Greece leaving the European single currency remains relatively unlikely than during the peak of the euro zone crisis and the risk of contagion to other countries is lower than in 2012, rating agency Moody's said on Wednesday.

Greeks head to snap polls in less than two weeks. Opinion polls show a consistent lead for leftist party Syriza, which wants to renegotiate an international bailout and ask Europe to write off a big chunk of the country's debt.

"The likelihood of a Greek exit is still lower than during the peak of the crisis in 2012 and remains relatively unlikely," Moody's said, but added the political turmoil in the country had increased the chances of such a scenario.

"This higher risk could have negative credit implications for other members of the European single currency, despite contagion risks being materially lower than at the peak of the crisis." (Reporting By Costas Pitas; Editing by Kim Coghill)

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