
Friday, September 4, 2015

The euro area's uninspiring recovery

Sep 2nd 2015, 13:29 BY P.W. | LONDON

EARLIER this year, a genuine revival in the euro area appeared to be under way. European equity markets were buoyant and consumers had become more confident. The recovery, which had been faltering and feeble since the spring of 2013, looked set to accelerate. That bout of optimism has proved fleeting and there is now increasing doubt about whether the euro area can pull itself out of a rut of low inflation and sluggish growth. The European Central Bank (ECB) is not expected to act on September 3rd when its governing council meets. But it may well indicate a preparedness to provide more stimulus, if necessary.

Even before the recent panic in financial markets about the Chinese economic slowdown, the euro-zone recovery was losing momentum. After growing by 0.4% in both late 2014 and early 2015, GDP increased in the second quarter by 0.3%. Annualised, that was a pace of 1.3%, barely a trot compared with America’s 3.7% gallop in the same period. Although Spain, the fourth-biggest economy in the currency club, has continued to do well, the euro area was held back by the stagnation of France, the second-biggest economy.

Better news came in the form of unemployment falling from 11.1% in June to 10.9% in July, some way off its high of 12.1% in early 2013. However, the range in unemployment, from 4.7% in Germany to 22.2% in Spain and 25% in Greece, remains disconcertingly large. Although the jobless rate in Italy fell sharply in July, it edged up in France.

Unemployment generally lags the economic cycle. Business surveys, which provide more up-to-date readings of activity, point to a continuing subdued recovery. The European Commission’s long-running economic-sentiment indicator, which combines business as well as consumer confidence and tends to track GDP, has been broadly stable since picking up in early 2015. This suggests that the euro area is not about to break out of its holding pattern of unspectacular growth.

This is worrying because the euro-zone economy is benefiting from a powerful triple stimulus. Lower energy costs caused by the slump in global oil prices have been providing broadly the same effect as a tax cut. A big programme of quantitative easing (QE), has been under way since March under which the ECB is creating money to buy €60 billion ($67 billion) of bonds each month. As well as pushing down long-term interest rates QE has helped to keep the euro down on the currency markets to the benefit of exporters.

Given the extent of help that the euro area has been getting, growth should be faster. The sluggish performance leaves it vulnerable to China’s slowdown. A particular worry is the impact of weakening Chinese growth on Germany, the hub economy of the euro area, whose resilience has been crucial in sustaining the currency club since the euro crisis started five years ago. One reason has been strong Chinese demand for investment goods and luxury cars, traditional German manufacturing strengths. Even though German exports appear to be holding up for the time being, that boost from China is waning.

Lacklustre growth in the euro area will in turn make it harder for the ECB to meet its goal of pushing inflation back towards its goal of almost 2%. Although core inflation (excluding in particular energy and food) has moved up from its low of 0.6% earlier this year, to 1.0%, headline inflation has been stuck at 0.2% over the summer. There is increasing concern that the ECB’s efforts to break the grip of “lowflation” will be swamped by global deflationary effects.

The ECB’s council is not expected to make a change in policy when it convenes on Thursday. But when Mario Draghi, the central bank’s president, talks to the press after the meeting, he is likely to indicate that the ECB recognises the downside risks to growth and stands ready to respond if they materialise. That may in turn produce a policy easing later this year. One option would be to raise the amount of assets that it is buying each month from the current amount of €60 billion. A more likely decision would be for the ECB to extend the planned length of its purchase programme beyond September 2016. Whether that is enough is a question for another day.

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