
Monday, December 14, 2015

Greece expected to push through remaining reforms on Tuesday: euro zone

Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:15pm GMT


Greece has accomplished more than half of the reforms agreed with euro zone creditors to get the next, 1 billion-euro tranche of bailout loans and is to legislate the remaining steps on Tuesday, a senior euro zone official said on Sunday.

Euro zone creditors have made the payout of the next tranche of loans to Athens conditional on Greece adopting a set of 13 reforms and progress was discussed at a meeting of euro zone deputy finance ministers on Friday.

The reforms include privatization as well as tax and structural measures, financial-sector and bad-loan reforms and changes to public administration.

"Seven out of the 13 are completed now," said the official, who is familiar with the discussions of the deputy ministers on Friday but who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"All the rest and everything else related is due to be adopted in the Greek parliament on Tuesday night. A compliance report by the institutions representing the creditors is to follow on Wednesday," the official said.

After the report, euro zone deputy finance ministers, who also form the board of the euro zone bailout fund, are to hold a teleconferences at the end of the week to give a green light for the disbursement of the tranche, the official said.

(Reporting By Jan Strupczewski; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

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