
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Greece can meet 2017 primary surplus, must conclude bailout review- cenbanker

Tue Nov 29, 2016 | 3:25am EST

Nov 29 Greece can achieve a primary budget surplus of 2 percent next year, the head of the country's central bank said on Tuesday, warning that the main risk for the economy would be a failure to conclude a crucial bailout review.

"Despite the positive projections ... serious risks remain," Yannis Stournaras told a conference in Athens. "The main risk would be the eventuality of failing to reach agreement on the second bailout review and any delays in implementing the programme or backtracking."

The central banker said that lowering the country's primary surplus targets after 2018 to 2 percent of economic output from 3.5 percent would help boost growth.

He urged the government to stick to reforms and privatisations prescribed in its third international bailout. (Reporting by Lefteris Papadimas; Editing by George Georgiopoulos)

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