Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Greek Police Say 10 Officers Have Links to Golden Dawn

ATHENS — The Greek police on Wednesday announced the findings of an internal investigation into suspected links between the force and the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party, which is the focus of a criminal investigation, saying that 10 officers had been linked to the party but that no signs of “organized cells” affiliated with the group had been discovered.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking

Balance of Power in Ad Industry at Stake as Google, Microsoft Seek to Control Web Tracking
The Wall Street Journal
Updated Oct. 28, 2013 6:50 p.m. ET
The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising and amass valuable user profiles.

Greece says can't take any more austerity, will not be 'blackmailed'

By George Georgiopoulos
ATHENS | Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:25am EDT
(Reuters) - Greece's president used an annual commemoration of the country's stand against fascism in World War Two on Monday to warn that Athens would not yield to pressure from foreign lenders to impose more austerity.

U.S. ships head towards migrant vessel in distress off Greece

ATHENS | Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:54pm EDT
(Reuters) - The U.S. navy on Monday sent two guided missile destroyers to help a boat apparently carrying migrants and in distress off southern Greece.

No details of the operation were immediately available but a Greek defense official said a commercial vessel had reported sighting a migrant vessel in international waters, heading towards Italy, about 116 nautical miles off the coast of Kalamata.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Puerto Rico: Greece in the Caribbean

The Economist

Stuck with a real debt crisis in its back yard, America can learn from Europe’s Aegean follies

Oct 26th 2013 |From the print edition

IT WILL not be long till Congress and the White House start squabbling again about the budget in Washington, DC. But before they create another artificial debt crisis, Barack Obama and his Republican opponents ought to pay some attention to a real one 1,500 miles to their south-east.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Addicted to the Apocalypse

The New York Times
Once upon a time, walking around shouting “The end is nigh” got you labeled a kook, someone not to be taken seriously. These days, however, all the best people go around warning of looming disaster. In fact, you more or less have to subscribe to fantasies of fiscal apocalypse to be considered respectable.

And I do mean fantasies. Washington has spent the past three-plus years in terror of a debt crisis that keeps not happening, and, in fact, can’t happen to a country like the United States, which has its own currency and borrows in that currency. Yet the scaremongers can’t bring themselves to let go.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Greece’s Parliament Clears Way for More Charges Against 6 Right-Wing Lawmakers

The New York Times
ATHENS — As part of a widening effort to clamp down on violent extremism in Greece, the country’s Parliament moved on Wednesday to lift the immunity of six lawmakers of Golden Dawn, the neo-fascist anti-immigrant party prosecutors portray as a criminal organization involved in murder, attempted murder, blackmail and other crimes.

Profile of an IT Worker

Forget the stereotype. For one thing, most of them don't have college degrees in computer science, technology, engineering or math
The Wall Street Journal
Oct. 20, 2013 4:59 p.m. ET
Who are these employees who install new computers, keep the corporate network running and help other workers reset their passwords? Cultural stereotypes about nerds with pocket protectors aside, what do we know about the people who keep the bits flowing and the digital lights on?

Monday, October 21, 2013

China Seeks Clearer View of Government Debt Mountain

Local Governments Have Borrowed a Pile of Money in Recent Years, Leaving Even Beijing Wondering How Much

Updated Oct. 20, 2013 9:36 p.m. ET
SHANGHAI—In the next few weeks, the Chinese government is expected to release the results of an ambitious effort to calculate a seemingly simple figure: just how much the country's local governments have borrowed from banks and investors in the past few years.

Friday, October 18, 2013

ObamaCare's Black Box

Why the exchanges are worse than even the critics imagined.
The Wall Street Journal
Updated Oct. 17, 2013 8:59 p.m. ET
The White House set low expectations for the Affordable Care Act's October 1 debut, so anything remotely competent should have seemed like a success. But three weeks on, the catastrophe that is and the 36 insurance exchanges run by the federal government is an insult to the "glitches" President Obama said were inevitable.

Jim DeMint: We Won't Back Down on ObamaCare

Fighting a law that is unfair, unworkable and unaffordable is reasonable and necessary.
The Wall Street Journal
Oct. 17, 2013 6:27 p.m. ET
Now that the government shutdown has ended and the president has preserved ObamaCare for the time being, it's worth explaining why my organization, the Heritage Foundation, and other conservatives chose this moment to fight—and why we will continue to fight. The reason is simple: to protect the American people from the harmful effects of this law.

Republicans’ hollow defeat

The Washington Post
By Eugene Robinson, Friday, October 18, 3:23 AM

President Obama’s victory this week was as complete and devastating as Sherman’s march through the South. But there is no early sign that the zealots of the anti-government far right have learned the lessons of their defeat — which means that more battles lie ahead.

Green Shoots In Greece

As Europe struggles through an anaemic recovery, its structurally challenged South is trying to mend itself. It is a fascinating, and still undecided turnaround story, best illustrated by the Eurozone’s former bête noire – Greece. Exacerbating the problem, the media often do a poor job of helping explain both the current situation and its prospects- as a panel in London’s Southbank Centre will discuss on 19 October 2013.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Greece expects decision on 2014 funding gap in December

By Lefteris Papadimas
ATHENS | Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:01pm BST
(Reuters) - Greece expects its foreign lenders to agree in December on how to plug a funding gap the country faces next year, its finance minister said on Wednesday, while a decision on how to cut its debt will come several months later.

Twice-bailed out Greece first sought a financial rescue from the European Union and International Monetary Fund in 2010 and has since been kept afloat with over 200 billion euros in aid.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Greek far-right leaders accused of organised violence

Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:54pm IST
* Case triggered after left-wing rapper knifed to death in street

* Testimony said to reveal inner workings of far-right Golden Dawn

* Party vote soared with debt crisis, sees political witch-hunt

By Renee Maltezou and Deepa Babington

ATHENS, Oct 13 (Reuters) - She first got into politics in Greece last year - when she bought herself a bullet-proof vest and learned how to beat up immigrants with poles hung with the national flag.

Global finance chiefs ready defenses ahead of Fed exit

By Anna Yukhananov and Alonso Soto
WASHINGTON | Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:58pm EDT
(Reuters) - Global finance chiefs on Saturday told the IMF to stand ready to aid emerging market economies that could be destabilized by a sudden flight of capital when the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks back away from ultra-loose monetary policies.

The International Monetary Fund's governing panel, after a semi-annual meeting, acknowledged the risks posed by a transition toward more normal policies in advanced economies, and it urged nations not to delay preparations.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Climate change sceptics aren't all alike, so don't tar them with the same brush

Denying the sceptics a voice on the IPCC report is surely bad for democracy and bad for science
The Guardian
Last week my friend and onetime colleague, the UK government's former climate adviser John Ashton, berated the BBC for giving Australian climate sceptic Bob Carter undue airtime in its reporting of the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The geneticist Steve Jones also weighed in, reminding the corporation not to fall into the trap of "false balance" by treating the views of sceptics equally alongside mainstream climate researchers.

Hooded assailants start fire at Greek minister's office

ATHENS | Wed Oct 9, 2013 4:52pm EDT
(Reuters) - Six hooded assailants doused the office of Greece's merchant marine minister with gasoline on Wednesday and set it on fire, causing only minor damage to the entrance, police said.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ex-Minister in Greece Is Found Guilty in Bribery Case

October 7, 2013
ATHENS — In a landmark verdict, a former Greek defense minister and co-founder of the country’s once-mighty Socialist Party, Akis Tsochatzopoulos, was found guilty on Monday of setting up a complex money-laundering network to cover the trail of millions of dollars in bribes that he is said to have pocketed from government weapons purchases.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Paulson hedge funds backing recovery in Greek banks

ATHENS | Mon Oct 7, 2013 4:21am EDT
(Reuters) - Funds run by billionaire investor John Paulson see Greece's recapitalised banking sector as an attractive investment play on the country's recovery after a deep six-year slump.

Encouraged by Greece's rising exports and a rebounding tourism sector, U.S. hedge fund group Paulson & Co expects the protracted recession to bottom out this year and begin recovery in 2014.