JUL 6, 2015
@ 12:01 AM 4,397 VIEWS
I write
about banking and finance in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Greece has spoken – and it says ‘oki’.
That’s no,
to most of us: no to further austerity, no to a previous deal offered by the
EU, IMF and other creditors, and no, effectively, to staying in the euro. The
rhetoric from Greece – such
as Greece’s
labour minister Panos Skourletis saying: “The government can go now with a very
strong card to continue negotiations [with creditors]” – seems to suggest that
the government believes it can stay in the euro and use its referendum as a
method to strength its own negotiating position. But the problem is, nobody
with any power in Europe seems to share that
view. They all think Greece
has effectively voted to leave.