Saturday, February 2, 2013

Σωστά καταργούν το φαύλο καθεστώς σε ΑΕΙ και ΤΕΙ – Ο Σύριζα γιατί αντιδρά;

Το άρθρο δημοσιεύθηκε στον ιστότοπο
Του Γ. Λοβέρδου
Το σχέδιο «Αθηνά», με το οποίο ο Κ. Αρβανιτόπουλος κι η ηγεσία του υπουργείου Παιδείας επιχειρούν να βάλουν τάξη στον κυκεώνα, που είχε προκληθεί στον χώρο της Ανώτατης Παιδείας με την πληθώρα Πανεπιστημίων και ΤΕΙ, είναι αναμφίβολα προς τη σωστή κατεύθυνση.


(Σημ. περιέχει όλες τις μέχρι στιγμής ανακοινώσεις των κομμάτων για το σχέδιο) 
Τη Δευτέρα η Σύνοδος Πρυτάνεων

Ούτε αρνητικά ούτε θετικά ήταν η πρώτη αντίδραση της ακαδημαϊκής κοινότητας για το σχέδιο «Αθηνά», καθώς επίκειται η σύγκληση έκτακτης Συνόδου των Πρυτάνεων για να συζητηθεί το θέμα. Τη Δευτέρα το μεσημέρι θα συνεδριάσει η διευρυμένη συντονιστική επιτροπή της Συνόδου, στην οποία μπορούν να συμμετάσχουν όποιοι πρυτάνεις θέλουν προκειμένου να εκφράσουν την άποψή τους.

Το σχέδιο «Αθηνά» αλλάζει το τοπίο στα ΑΕΙ

Καταργούνται 94 τμήματα, 3 πανεπιστήμια, 4 ΤΕΙ, οι εισακτέοι μειώνονται κατά 4%, ενώ 11 πόλεις χάνουν τμήματα και φοιτητές
Του Αποστολου Λακασα
Εφημερίδα Καθημερινή
Νέο τοπίο διαμορφώνεται στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση, καθώς θα διαγραφούν από τον χάρτη τρία πανεπιστήμια (από τα 24 σε 21) και τέσσερα ΤΕΙ (από τα 16 σε 12) και 94 τμήματα πανεπιστημίων και ΤΕΙ (από τα 480 που λειτουργούν σήμερα θα μείνουν 386).

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Ομόσπονδο Πανεπιστήμιο δημιουργείται στην Αθήνα με την επωνυμία «Αδαμάντιος Κοραής» και σ΄αυτό θα ενταχθούν τα πανεπιστήμια Γεωπονικό, Οικονομικό, Πάντειο, Πειραιά και Χαροκόπειο, διατηρώντας όμως την αυτοτέλειά τους.

IMF’s Greek Euro Exit Analysis

January 31, 2013, 9:57 AM
By Matthew Dalton
The Wall Street Journal
We’re a tad late getting to this, but the International Monetary Fund in its latest report on the Greek bailout took an interesting look at how far euro-zone economic output would fall if Greece ditched the common currency. The fund’s answer: Maybe a lot, maybe not so much – though even the “not so much” scenario looks pretty bad.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GDP contracts on tepid inventories, government spending drop

By Lucia Mutikani
WASHINGTON | Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:07am EST
(Reuters) - The economy unexpectedly contracted in the fourth quarter, suffering its first decline since the recession ended more than three years ago as businesses scaled back on restocking and government spending plunged.

Greenland defied ancient warming

But Antarctic glaciers may be more vulnerable than thought.
Quirin Schiermeier
23 January 2013
Over a few exceptionally warm days last July, Greenland’s frozen surface turned into a colossal puddle. Even the coldest parts of the world’s largest island saw ice thaw and rain fall, fuelling concerns over the future of glaciers that hold enough water to raise global sea levels by around 7 metres.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

PRECIOUS-Gold rallies from 2-1/2 wk low; eyes Fed meeting

Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:59am EST
* Federal Reserve policy meeting on Jan 29-30

* Investors alert to U.S. non-farm payrolls on Friday (Updates throughout, changes dateline from SINGAPORE)

By Clara Denina

LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Gold firmed on Tuesday, snapping a four-day losing streak, but gains were limited as investors sought further data to gauge U.S. economic strength, also looking to a Federal Reserve statement later in the week.

Monday, January 28, 2013

A tale of two Davoses

Jan 28th 2013, 14:33 by M.B. | DAVOS
The Economist

THE brainstorming, deal making and schmoozing is over for another year. Davos Man and Woman have come down from their Swiss mountain high and headed home, including this correspondent. What were the main memories and insights they took away from this year's World Economic Forum?

Decoding the 'Signals' From Davos

Posted: 01/27/2013 11:42 am
Rich Lesser
President and Chief Executive Officer of The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
As I head to Africa after the World Economic Forum in Davos, like most participants I am trying to distill the core insights from the past week. Clearly, the tone of the meeting was more optimistic than last year, with spirits buoyed by the recent upward momentum of China and the U.S. and signs that the euro zone has stepped back from the brink of collapse. But gauging the mood is one thing. Making sense of the cacophony of issues, challenges, and opportunities is another.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wealth and Poverty in a University Town

Huffington Post
Rena N. Lauer
Ph.D Candidate, Harvard
Posted: 01/25/2013 6:32 pm
The cashier told the woman in front of me that she couldn't buy the sack of potatoes. WIC, the government food program for mothers and children, would not pay for starches, and so the potatoes she had chosen -- "mistaking" them for a vegetable -- had to go back to the supermarket's shelves.

Will Your Mother Live in Poverty?

Victoria Pynchon, Contributor
A recent news release by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development predicts poverty for mothers in their elder years.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bankers, policymakers say Europe's crisis not over

By Emma Thomasson and Alexander Smith
DAVOS, Switzerland | Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:15pm GMT
(Reuters) - International bankers and finance ministers warned on Saturday that Europe's crisis was not over even though the euro currency is now stabilised, it will take years to overcome economic malaise and mass unemployment in Europe.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Greece Opposition Leader Calls for European Debt Renegotiation Summit

The New York Times
Published: January 25, 2013
¶ The 38-year-old leftist opposition leader in Greece, who could become its next prime minister on a wave of simmering popular fury over the Greek government’s austerity measures, called on Friday for a European summit to ease the crushing debts that threaten not only his country but all of Europe.

Greece orders striking subway workers back to work

Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:24am EST
* Strikers could be arrested under emergency law

* Athenians frustrated by week-long subway closure

* Strike tests government's resolve against unions

ATHENS, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Greece's government invoked emergency powers to order striking public transport workers back to work as Athens' subway system remained paralysed for the eighth consecutive day on Thursday.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greek government backs its embattled statistics chief

By Dina Kyriakidou
ATHENS | Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:43am EST
Jan 24 (Reuters) - Greece's government on Thursday backed its embattled statistics chief, accused in felony charges of artificially inflating budget deficit figures to make the country's debt crisis appear worse.

Greece orders subway strikers back to work

By Anthee Carassava
January 24, 2013, 9:32 a.m.
Los Angeles Times
ATHENS -- Greece's ruling coalition on Thursday issued an emergency order demanding that striking subway employees go back to work or face massive arrests and potential job losses in the latest labor showdown to grip the beleaguered government.

UPDATE 1-EU court rules against Greece's OPAP gambling monopoly

Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:48am EST
Jan 24 (Reuters) - Europe's highest court ruled that OPAP's gambling monopoly in Greece was illegal and that the Greek authorities would have to reform the sector to protect consumers or open it up to competition.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

U.S. Budget Discord Is Top Threat to Global Economy in Poll

By David J. Lynch - Jan 23, 2013 7:50 PM GMT+0200
Global investors say the state of the U.S. government’s finances is the greatest risk to the world economy and almost half are curbing their investments in response to continuing budget battles, a Bloomberg poll shows.

Can we fight poverty by ending extreme wealth?

Posted by Olga Khazan on January 20, 2013 at 8:00 am
The Washington Post

In a sign that the “Occupy” and “99 percent” movements that swept the United States in recent years have taken on increased global relevance, Oxfam International this week called for “a new global goal to end extreme wealth by 2025,” as a way to stem income inequality and continue the fight against poverty.