Thursday, May 28, 2015

U.S. urges EU, IMF to be flexible with Greece

Wed May 27, 2015 12:31pm EDT Related: GREECE


The United States urged international creditors to show more flexibility in negotiations with Greece's cash-strapped government to avert a possible Greek default and exit from the euro zone with incalculable consequences.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew issued the warning on Wednesday in a stopover in London on his way to a meeting of Group of Seven finance ministers in Dresden, Germany.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

U.S. Urges Greece, Creditors to Strike Debt Deal

Treasury chief Jacob Lew warns against complacency

Updated May 27, 2015 10:08 a.m. ET

The Wall Street Journal
LONDON—U.S. Treasury chief Jacob Lew on Wednesday urged Greece and its creditors to “double down” in their efforts to reach a deal to solve the nation’s debt crisis, saying no one should be complacent about the risks to the world economy from a Greek default and possible exit from the eurozone.

Addressing students in London before traveling to a meeting of finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of Seven industrialized nations in Germany, Mr. Lew said that although eurozone is in “a more stable place” than it was at the height of the currency union’s debt crisis in 2012, it would be wrong to assume that a disorderly Greek exit would be painless.

The G-7's Problem: Can the World Deal With a Greek Default?

by Paul GordonAlessandro Speciale
2:00 AM EEST
May 27, 2015


When the world’s top finance ministers and central-bank chiefs meet in Dresden this week, they may struggle to stick to an agenda set by their German hosts that doesn’t mention Greece.
The Group of Seven meeting starting on Wednesday will officially focus on big-picture themes of economic growth, tax evasion and strengthening the global financial architecture. Yet the most pressing matter for many of the policy makers attending is whether Greece can stay in the euro, and whether the world can handle the consequences if it can’t.

Greece and creditors play down fears of imminent default

Tue May 26, 2015 6:51pm EDT Related: GREECE, IMF


Greece and its European creditors on Tuesday sought to play down fears that Athens would default on a payment to the International Monetary Fund next week.

Running short of cash to pay public sector salaries, pensions and debt obligations, senior members of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's government have said openly that Greece does not have the money to pay 300 million euros to the IMF on June 5.

The threats have spooked financial markets, which fear a default could forces Greece out of the single currency, pushing the European and global economies into uncharted territory.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Greece, The EU And The IMF Are Dancing With Death

MAY 25, 2015 @ 11:50 PM
By Frances Copolla , contributor
The Forbes
Over the last few months, the world has been watching with interest and growing concern the intricate moves in the deadly dance of Greece, the EU and the IMF. The latest move in the dance comes from Greece itself. The Interior Minister has announced that Greece cannot meet scheduled debt repayments to the IMF in June.

This does not mean that Greece intends not to pay. Rather, it is warning that intransigence by the EU may force it into an IMF default.

Greece’s Governing Syriza Party Divided Over Debt Terms

Faction of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s left-wing party says it favors default and a eurozone exit over swallowing measures creditors are demanding

The Wall Street Journal

Updated May 25, 2015 9:08 p.m. ET

ATHENS—As financial pressure mounts on Greece to sign a deal with its foreign lenders, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is facing what may be his biggest problem yet: the struggle within the ruling Syriza party over whether to swallow creditors’ tough terms or default.

Dissent is spreading within left-wing Syriza against the economic policies Greece is likely to have to enact in return for fresh bailout funding from other eurozone governments and the International Monetary Fund.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Grexit and the Morning After

 MAY 25, 2015 9:24 AM

The New York Times

By Paul Krugman

We just had another electoral earthquake in the euro area: Podemos-backed candidates have won local elections in Madrid and Barcelona. And I hope that the IFKAT — the institutions formerly known as the troika — are paying attention.

The essence of the Greek situation is that the actual parameters of a short-run deal are clear and unavoidable: Greece can’t run a primary budget deficit, because nobody will lend it new money, and it won’t (and basically can’t) run a large primary surplus, because you can’t squeeze even more blood from that stone. So you would think that an agreement for Greece to run a modest primary surplus over the next few years would be easy to reach — that is what will happen, so why not make it official?

Greece Rules Out Capital Controls if Bailout Talks Fail


The New York Times

ATHENS, GreeceGreece's government on Monday ruled out restricting access to bank accounts and the free movement of money if there is no breakthrough soon in tortuous talks with bailout creditors and its dwindling cash reserves dry up.

The possibility of imposing capital controls — part of a chain of events that could lead to Greece leaving the euro if things take a disastrous turn — "simply does not exist," said Gabriel Sakellaridis, spokesman for the radical left-led government.

Less Than Surprising News; Greece Can't Make The June IMF Payments, Default Looms

By Tim Worstall, Contributor

MAY 24, 2015 @ 5:57 PM


This isn’t exactly the most surprising news we’re going to be told today but Greece is announcing that it simply won’t be able to meet the upcoming repayments due to the IMF in June. We’ve all known that at some point this moment would come: without the unlocking of the final tranche of the earlier, seconed, bailout there was no imaginable manner in which Greece could make all the payments due over the summer. Not unless some miracle happened with tax revenues that is, and as the country’s back in recession that’s not going to happen either.

Greece Urges Creditors to Compromise as IMF Payment Nears


by Marcus Bensasson
4:41 PM EEST
May 23, 2015

Greece called on the country’s creditors to compromise on demands to break an impasse over the release of funds for its cash-strapped economy as a deadline neared for payments due next month to the International Monetary Fund.

The Heat Is on Greece’s Alexis Tsipras, From Inside and Out

MAY 24, 2015

The New York Times

ATHENS — With Greece in the final stretch of negotiations with its creditors, aimed at unlocking rescue loans the country needs to avert an imminent default, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras faces growing pressure from the ranks of his own party.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Greek Talks Break Up as Earlier Optimism Evaporates

by Arne DelfsJonathan StearnsHelene Fouquet
(Bloomberg) -- Late-night negotiations between the Greek, French and German government leaders ended without any sign of a breakthrough that will unlock bailout funds and ensure Greece’s future in the euro region.
With time running out for a deal to free up the remaining 7.2 billion-euro ($8 billion) tranche of aid, talks between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, President Francois Hollande and Chancellor Angela Merkel broke up shortly before 1 a.m. on Friday in the Latvian capital Riga with the three agreeing only to stay in close contact.

Greece To Be Granted A Bailout Extension; Eurozone Lacks Credibility

MAY 22, 2015 @ 1:22 AM

Stephen Pope


Since the general election of January 25th when the Syriza led coalition government  was elected it has has failed on six occasions to present to its international creditors a meaningful set of reforms that would have paved the way for the next tranche of bailout money to be advanced and so avoid a default.

The far left of centre government has known the timetable and yet has been totally shambolic in the propositions its has offered to the European Union. It has argued against austerity whilst expecting international sources of finance to simply let the struggling nation off the hook.

These investors are getting killed in Greece

By Ivana Kottasova
 CNN Money

Meet the Greekoholics: The investors who are losing big money in Greece but can't kick the habit.
Most international investors shunned Greece a long time ago, scared off by its never-ending debt crisis. But a bunch of brave -- or possibly shrewd -- fund managers have defied the consensus and bet big on the country, which continues to flirt with default and exit from the euro.
They love it when things are not looking rosy.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Way Out for Greece

21 MAY 21, 2015 12:01 AM EDT
By Konstantine Gatsios & Dimitrios A. Ioannou


A widely told narrative of the economic crisis in Greece holds that it is the product of excessive austerity, imposed by arrogant outsiders who misread the situation. The only way out, the story goes, is to break the resulting recessionary spiral with a policy of fiscal stimulus.

This account doesn't stand up to scrutiny and needs to be countered if the current brinkmanship over Greece's bailout is to end well.

Greece should quit euro 'temporarily': Ifo's Sinn

Dhara Ranasinghe
2 Hours Ago
Cash-strapped Greece should be allowed to leave the euro zone temporarily, the president of Germany's influential Ifo Institute for Economic Research told CNBC on Thursday.

Talk that Greece is on the brink of a debt default that could trigger its exit from the euro zone has grown this week. A senior ruling party official said on Wednesday that Greece would be unable to make a payment to the International Monetary Fund on June 5 unless it received more aid from its creditors.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Greek Finances to Stagger On Longer Than You Think

While Greece says a deal is near, the country has enough money to last weeks, maybe even two months.
by Ben Sills
1:16 PM EEST
May 19, 2015

Greece will probably struggle through June before finally running out of money in early July.
That's the assessment of economists at Bloomberg Intelligence, who concluded that Greek lenders have enough collateral to keep emergency funds flowing from the European Central Bank for another eight weeks, so long as policy makers don't tighten the terms of liquidity. Tax revenue may be enough to keep the government afloat for about the same amount of time, economists Jamie Murray and David Powell said in a research note. The 3.5 billion-euro ($3.9 billion) payment due to the European Central Bank on July 20 may be the end of the road.

Euro, bond yields tumble as ECB hints at faster pre-summer buying

Tue May 19, 2015 7:27am EDT

The euro tumbled on Tuesday and the region's stocks and bonds jumped after the European Central Bank signalled it would speed up its 1 trillion euro bond-buying programme for the next two months ahead of an expected summer lull.

World stocks were already testing all-time highs after another jump in Chinese stocks and a record close on Wall Street, and European markets shot up after top ECB policymaker Benoit Coeure talked of adjusting the bank's buying programme.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Greece's Turn to Resist a Referendum

MAY 18, 2015 2:00 AM EDT
By Mohamed A. El-Erian


In 2011, overwhelming opposition from Greece's European partners forced Prime Minister George Papandreou to withdraw a proposal for a referendum seeking a “clear mandate” from voters to carry out European Union-backed policies. Last week, the opposite scenario unfolded: Germany suggested that the Greek government hold a plebiscite on whether to accept creditors' demands for economic reforms or ultimately leave the euro zone. This time, however, it was Greece that demurred.

This role reversal reveals at least three consequential aspects of the changes, real and perceived, in the interactions between Greece and its European partners:

Greece’s Debt Battle Exposes Deeper Eurozone Flaws — Horizons

4:32 pm ET
May 17, 2015 EUROPE


The Wall Street Journal

To understand why Greece and its creditors have failed to put its debt burden on a sustainable path, look beyond the headlines about the intransigence of the left-wing government in Athens and the tested patience of officials in Berlin and Brussels.

Blame lies with the monetary union’s flawed political structure, where a highly integrated financial system coexists with fragmented and unpredictable governance. That structure means it’s dangerous to assume that bigger eurozone economies such as Spain or Italy won’t also see a revival of investor concerns about their own debt levels when the European Central Bank ends its monetary support for the region’s bond markets.